League of Legends: 10 Best Tank Support Champions

League of Legends: 10 Best Tank Support Champions

Tank supports are among the most impactful roles in League of Legends, offering durability, crowd control, and the ability to shape the outcome of games through decisive plays. Unlike enchanter supports, tank supports often rely on their own skill to make game-changing roams, dominate team fights, and protect their allies, making them a favorite for players who want to take control of the match. Riot Games has ensured that when you pick a tank support, your presence is felt across the map.

With so many tank supports available, it can be challenging to choose the right one for your playstyle. In this article, we’ll explore the 10 best tank supports, helping you find the perfect champion to climb the ranks and secure victory. Let’s dive in!

#10: Maokai

best tank supports
Maokai, the Twisted Treant, is a formidable tank support champion renowned for his crowd control and zone control capabilities. His passive, Sap Magic, allows him to periodically heal upon striking an enemy with a basic attack, enhancing his sustain during laning phases. The Q ability, Bramble Smash, knocks back and slows enemies, serving as an effective tool for both engagement and disengagement. Twisted Advance (W) enables Maokai to become untargetable and dash to a target, rooting them upon arrival, making it ideal for initiating fights or catching out-of-position opponents. His E, Sapling Toss, places saplings that act as wards and explode near enemies, dealing damage and slowing them, providing both vision and area denial. Maokai’s ultimate, Nature’s Grasp, sends forth a massive wall of brambles that root all enemies hit, offering significant crowd control during team fights.

Maokai excels against teams lacking mobility, as his crowd control can effectively disrupt their formations. However, he may struggle against poke-heavy compositions that can whittle down his health from a distance. Overall, Maokai’s robust kit and versatility make him a strong choice for players seeking a durable and impactful support champion.

#9: Braum

how to play braum support
Braum, the Heart of the Freljord, is a stalwart tank support champion renowned for his exceptional crowd control and protective abilities. His passive, Concussive Blows, applies stacks on enemies through basic attacks and abilities; upon reaching four stacks, the target is stunned and takes bonus magic damage, facilitating effective pick potential. The Q ability, Winter’s Bite, launches ice from his shield, dealing magic damage and applying a slow, aiding in both harassment and initiation. Stand Behind Me (W) allows Braum to leap to an ally, granting both himself and the ally bonus armor and magic resist, enhancing survivability. His E, Unbreakable, raises his shield to intercept incoming projectiles, nullifying the first and reducing damage from subsequent attacks, providing significant damage mitigation. Braum’s ultimate, Glacial Fissure, slams the ground to create a fissure, knocking up and slowing enemies in its path, offering substantial crowd control during team fights.

Braum excels against teams with heavy projectile-based damage, as his E can effectively mitigate such threats. However, he may struggle against champions with high sustained damage or abilities that bypass his shield. Overall, Braum’s robust kit and protective capabilities make him a strong choice for players seeking a durable and supportive presence in the bot lane.

#8: Zac

how to play zac support
Zac, the Secret Weapon, is a versatile tank support champion known for his exceptional crowd control and engage potential. His passive, Cell Division, allows him to revive upon taking fatal damage, splitting into blobs that must be destroyed to prevent his return, providing significant durability in fights. The Q ability, Stretching Strikes, extends his arm to grab and slow an enemy; if he auto-attacks another target, he smashes them together, stunning both, making it effective for disrupting enemy formations. Unstable Matter (W) causes Zac to pulse, dealing damage to nearby enemies based on their maximum health, aiding in consistent damage output. His E, Elastic Slingshot, charges up to launch Zac to a target area, knocking up and damaging enemies upon landing, serving as a powerful initiation tool. Zac’s ultimate, Let’s Bounce!, causes him to bounce four times, knocking up and slowing enemies hit, providing substantial crowd control during team fights.

Zac excels against teams lacking mobility, as his long-range engage can catch opponents off guard. However, he may struggle against compositions with strong disengage or crowd control that can interrupt his abilities. Overall, Zac’s unique kit and engage potential make him a compelling choice for players seeking a disruptive and tanky support champion.

#7: Alistar

how to play alistar support
Alistar, the Minotaur, is a formidable tank support champion renowned for his crowd control and initiation capabilities. His passive, Triumphant Roar, heals him and nearby allies after he stuns or displaces an enemy champion, enhancing sustain during skirmishes. The Q ability, Pulverize, slams the ground, knocking up and stunning nearby enemies, serving as a potent tool for disrupting enemy formations. Headbutt (W) propels Alistar forward, ramming into a target and knocking them back, which can be combined with Q for a seamless engage combo. His E, Trample, deals damage to nearby enemies over time; after five stacks, his next basic attack against a champion stuns them, adding another layer of crowd control. Alistar’s ultimate, Unbreakable Will, removes crowd control effects from himself and reduces incoming damage, allowing him to absorb significant damage during team fights.

Alistar excels against teams with low mobility, as his engage can effectively catch opponents off guard. However, he may struggle against poke-heavy compositions that can whittle down his health before engagements. Overall, Alistar’s robust kit and initiation potential make him a strong choice for players seeking a durable and impactful support champion.

#6: Rakan

how to play Rakan support
Rakan, the Charmer, is a dynamic tank support champion celebrated for his exceptional mobility and crowd control, enabling him to initiate engagements and protect allies with flair. His passive, Fey Feathers, grants a shield after a brief period, enhancing his durability in skirmishes. The Q ability, Gleaming Quill, sends a magical feather that damages enemies and heals allies upon activation, providing sustain during the laning phase. Grand Entrance (W) allows Rakan to dash to a location, knocking up and damaging enemies upon arrival, serving as a potent initiation tool. His E, Battle Dance, lets him dash to allies, shielding them; when paired with his partner, Xayah, its range increases, offering significant protective versatility. Rakan’s ultimate, The Quickness, increases his movement speed and charms enemies he contacts, making it invaluable for disrupting enemy formations during team fights.

Rakan excels against teams lacking mobility, as his swift engages can catch opponents off guard. However, he may struggle against compositions with strong disengage or crowd control that can interrupt his combos. Overall, Rakan’s versatile kit and engaging playstyle make him a compelling choice for players seeking a dynamic and impactful support champion.

#5: Rell

how to play rell support
Rell, the Iron Maiden, is a formidable tank support champion known for her exceptional crowd control and ability to disrupt enemy formations. Her passive, Break the Mold, allows her basic attacks to steal a portion of her target’s armor and magic resist, enhancing her durability and weakening foes. The Q ability, Shattering Strike, extends her lance to damage and break shields of enemies in a line, providing both poke and utility. Ferromancy: Crash Down (W) enables Rell to mount or dismount her steed, altering her movement speed and granting a knock-up effect upon landing, serving as a versatile engagement tool. Her E, Attract and Repel, links Rell to an ally, allowing her to stun enemies between them when activated, facilitating coordinated crowd control. Rell’s ultimate, Magnet Storm, creates a magnetic field that pulls nearby enemies towards her, dealing damage and grouping them for follow-up attacks, making it impactful during team fights.

Rell excels against teams with low mobility, as her engage can effectively catch opponents off guard. However, she may struggle against compositions with strong disengage or poke that can whittle down her health before engagements. Overall, Rell’s robust kit and initiation potential make her a strong choice for players seeking a durable and impactful support champion.

#4: Poppy

how to play Poppy support
Poppy, the Keeper of the Hammer, is a resilient tank support champion known for her crowd control and ability to disrupt enemy mobility. Her passive, Iron Ambassador, allows her to throw her buckler as a ranged attack, dealing bonus damage and granting a temporary shield upon retrieval, enhancing her trading potential in lane. The Q ability, Hammer Shock, smashes the ground, dealing damage and creating a zone that slows and damages enemies after a delay, useful for area denial. Steadfast Presence (W) generates an aura that grants bonus resistances and blocks enemy dashes, making it effective against mobile champions. Her E, Heroic Charge, enables Poppy to dash to an enemy, stunning and damaging them if they collide with terrain, serving as a reliable initiation tool. Poppy’s ultimate, Keeper’s Verdict, charges up to unleash a hammer strike that knocks enemies away, providing crowd control during team fights.

Poppy excels against teams reliant on dashes, as her W can effectively disrupt their mobility. However, she may struggle against poke-heavy compositions that can whittle down her health before engagements. Overall, Poppy’s robust kit and initiation potential make her a strong choice for players seeking a durable and impactful support champion.

#3: Tahm Kench

how to play Tahm Kench support
Tahm Kench, the River King, is a durable tank support champion renowned for his exceptional crowd control and ally protection capabilities. His passive, An Acquired Taste, applies stacks on enemies through basic attacks and abilities; upon reaching three stacks, his Q and W abilities gain additional effects, enhancing his control over opponents. The Q ability, Tongue Lash, extends his tongue to damage and slow enemies; if they have three stacks of his passive, they become stunned, making it effective for initiating or peeling. Abyssal Dive (W) allows Tahm Kench to dive and emerge at a target location, knocking up and damaging enemies upon arrival, serving as a versatile tool for both engagement and escape. His E, Thick Skin, converts damage taken into grey health, which can be regenerated or used as a shield, significantly enhancing his survivability. Tahm Kench’s ultimate, Devour (R), enables him to swallow an ally or enemy champion; devouring an ally grants them a shield and allows for repositioning, while devouring an enemy with three passive stacks deals significant damage and briefly suppresses them, providing both offensive and defensive utility.

Tahm Kench excels against teams with single-target burst damage, as his Devour can effectively save allies from lethal situations. However, he may struggle against poke-heavy compositions that can whittle down his health before engagements. Overall, Tahm Kench’s robust kit and protective capabilities make him a strong choice for players seeking a durable and supportive presence in the bot lane.

#2: Nautilus

how to play Nautilus support
Nautilus, the Titan of the Depths, is a formidable tank support champion renowned for his exceptional crowd control and initiation capabilities. His passive, Staggering Blow, causes his basic attacks to immobilize targets briefly, providing reliable lockdown during skirmishes. The Q ability, Dredge Line, hurls his anchor forward, pulling both Nautilus and the struck enemy together, serving as a potent tool for engaging or escaping. Titan’s Wrath (W) grants Nautilus a temporary shield and enhances his basic attacks to deal area-of-effect damage, bolstering his durability and wave-clear potential. His E, Riptide, creates a series of explosive waves around him, slowing and damaging enemies, effective for zoning and peeling. Nautilus’s ultimate, Depth Charge, launches a homing shockwave that knocks up and stuns the target and any enemies in its path, making it impactful during team fights.

Nautilus excels against teams with low mobility, as his engage can effectively catch opponents off guard. However, he may struggle against compositions with strong disengage or poke that can whittle down his health before engagements. Overall, Nautilus’s robust kit and initiation potential make him a strong choice for players seeking a durable and impactful support champion.

#1: Leona

how to play Leona support
Leona, the Radiant Dawn, is a premier tank support champion renowned for her exceptional crowd control and initiation capabilities. Her passive, Sunlight, causes enemies hit by her abilities to become marked, allowing allied champions to consume the mark with their attacks to deal bonus magic damage. The Q ability, Shield of Daybreak, empowers her next basic attack to stun the target, providing reliable single-target control. Eclipse (W) grants Leona increased armor and magic resistance, and after a brief duration, it detonates to deal damage to nearby enemies, enhancing her durability and area damage. Her E, Zenith Blade, extends a solar blade that damages all enemies in its path and pulls Leona to the last enemy champion struck, serving as an effective gap-closer. Leona’s ultimate, Solar Flare, calls down a solar beam that slows enemies and stuns those at the center, making it impactful for both initiation and crowd control during team fights.

Leona excels against teams with low mobility, as her engage can effectively catch opponents off guard. However, she may struggle against compositions with strong disengage or poke that can whittle down her health before engagements. Overall, Leona’s robust kit and initiation potential make her a strong choice for players seeking a durable and impactful support champion.


Tank supports are the backbone of any strong team composition in League of Legends, providing durability, crowd control, and the ability to dictate the pace of engagements. From the unyielding lockdown of Leona to the disruptive presence of Nautilus and the ally-protecting capabilities of Tahm Kench, these champions excel in creating opportunities for their teams to shine.

Each champion on this list offers a unique playstyle, ensuring there’s a tank support to suit every type of player. Whether you prefer initiating fights, peeling for your carries, or soaking up damage on the frontlines, mastering these champions can elevate your impact in ranked games. Choose your favorite, equip the right items and runes, and take command of the bot lane to lead your team to victory!

Posted On: December 2nd, 2024

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