10 Best Champions To Counter Vayne In League of Legends

10 Best Champions To Counter Vayne In League of Legends

Vayne is one of the most dangerous late-game hyper-carries in League of Legends, known for her mobility, true damage, and dueling potential. With Tumble (Q) for repositioning, Condemn (E) for disengage, and Final Hour (R) for stealth and extra mobility, she can be incredibly difficult to catch and kill. However, Vayne has clear weaknesses, including a weak early game, short attack range, and reliance on extended fights. The best counters can burst her down before she scales, outrange her in fights, or crowd control her to prevent her from kiting. In this article, we’ll go over the 10 best champions to counter Vayne and how to shut her down before she takes over the game.

#10: Varus

how to counter vayne top
Varus is a strong counter to Vayne because he can poke her down early, apply crowd control, and burst her before she can scale. Vayne struggles against champions with strong early-game pressure, and Varus excels at harassing enemies from a distance with his Piercing Arrow (Q). Since Vayne has a short attack range, she is forced to take damage whenever she tries to farm or trade in lane.

Another key advantage Varus has is his Chain of Corruption (R), which roots Vayne in place and prevents her from using Tumble (Q) and Final Hour (R) to reposition. This makes her an easy target for follow-up damage and all-ins. If Varus goes for a lethality build, he can burst Vayne before she has a chance to retaliate. If he builds on-hit, his sustained damage can outtrade her in early skirmishes.

To win this matchup, Varus players should focus on poking Vayne with Q, zoning her with E, and saving R to lock her down when she tries to engage. Since Vayne relies on extended fights, Varus’ ability to burst her down quickly makes this a difficult matchup for her.

#9: Jinx

jinx vs vayne
Jinx is a strong counter to Vayne because she outranges her, scales just as well, and can punish her short range in fights. While Vayne thrives in extended duels, Jinx’s Switcheroo! (Q) – Rocket Form allows her to harass Vayne from a safe distance, making it difficult for Vayne to trade back effectively. Since Vayne has to get close to deal damage, Jinx can constantly poke her and force her to take bad trades.

Another big advantage Jinx has in this matchup is her ability to snowball fights. With Get Excited! (Passive), Jinx gains a massive movement speed boost after securing a kill or assist, making it easy for her to chase down a retreating Vayne. Additionally, Flame Chompers! (E) provides a great way to stop Vayne’s engage or punish her if she mispositions, limiting her ability to kite freely.

To win this matchup, Jinx players should focus on keeping their distance, using Rocket Form to poke Vayne, and placing Flame Chompers strategically to prevent her from diving in. If Jinx gets ahead, she can dominate Vayne in team fights by dealing massive AOE damage while staying out of range of Vayne’s all-ins.

#8: Miss Fortune

Miss Fortune vs vayne
Miss Fortune is a strong counter to Vayne because she dominates the early game, punishes Vayne’s short range, and can burst her down before she scales. Vayne struggles against ADCs who can apply heavy poke and pressure in lane, and Miss Fortune excels at this with Double Up (Q), which can deal massive damage if it bounces correctly. Her Make It Rain (E) also slows Vayne, making it harder for her to reposition with Tumble (Q).

One of Miss Fortune’s biggest advantages is her powerful ultimate, Bullet Time (R). Vayne excels in extended fights where she can kite, but Miss Fortune thrives in quick, explosive fights where she can melt enemies before they can react. If Vayne gets caught in Bullet Time, she will often be forced to retreat or risk getting instantly deleted.

To win this matchup, Miss Fortune players should focus on aggressive early trades, poking Vayne with Q, and using E to slow her down. If she can establish a lead in lane, she can snowball into mid-game team fights where her AOE damage makes it impossible for Vayne to find favorable engagements.

#7: Kog’Maw

KogMaw vs vayne
Kog’Maw is a strong counter to Vayne because he outranges her, outdamages her in extended fights, and scales just as hard. Vayne thrives in short-range duels, but Kog’Maw’s Bio-Arcane Barrage (W) gives him one of the longest attack ranges in the game, allowing him to poke and trade safely without letting Vayne get close. Since Vayne’s main strength is her true damage from Silver Bolts (W), Kog’Maw’s ability to hit her from a distance prevents her from stacking it effectively.

Another big advantage Kog’Maw has is his absurd damage output in extended fights. While Vayne is strong in 1v1s, Kog’Maw’s on-hit DPS with W activated melts tanks and squishies alike, making it hard for Vayne to win pure damage trades. Additionally, Kog’Maw’s Living Artillery (R) lets him poke Vayne before fights, forcing her to play more defensively.

To win this matchup, Kog’Maw players should focus on positioning safely, using W to trade from a distance, and never letting Vayne get close enough for an all-in. With proper peeling from his team, Kog’Maw can shred through Vayne before she has a chance to take over fights.

#6: Twitch

Twitch vs vayne
Twitch is a strong counter to Vayne because he can match her scaling, surprise her with ambush plays, and outdamage her in extended fights. While Vayne excels in 1v1 duels, Twitch’s Spray and Pray (R) gives him a huge range advantage, allowing him to melt Vayne from a safer distance before she can close the gap. Since both champions rely on extended trades, Twitch’s Deadly Venom (Passive) and Contaminate (E) allow him to apply consistent burst damage over time, making it harder for Vayne to kite effectively.

Another key advantage Twitch has in this matchup is his stealth from Ambush (Q). This lets him engage fights on his own terms, either by surprising Vayne in lane or flanking her in team fights. Since Vayne relies on outplaying her opponents with Tumble (Q) and Condemn (E), Twitch can often avoid her initial burst and shred her down before she has a chance to reposition.

To win this matchup, Twitch players should focus on sneaky all-ins with Q, using their ultimate to outrange Vayne, and capitalizing on extended fights where their poison and on-hit damage outscale her DPS. If played correctly, Twitch can turn fights in his favor before Vayne gets the chance to become a late-game menace.

#5: Nilah

Nilah vs vayne
Nilah is a strong counter to Vayne because she thrives in close-range fights, negates Vayne’s poke, and outduels her in extended skirmishes. While Vayne relies on Tumble (Q) to reposition and poke, Nilah’s Jubilant Veil (W) completely blocks auto-attacks and non-targeted abilities, making it nearly impossible for Vayne to trade effectively. This ability also prevents Vayne from proccing Silver Bolts (W) during key fights, significantly reducing her damage output.

Another major advantage Nilah has is her sustain and all-in potential. Vayne excels in kiting enemies, but Nilah’s Relentless Dash (E) allows her to quickly close the gap and stick to Vayne in fights. Once she hits level 6, Apotheosis (R) gives her an AOE healing and damage tool that Vayne cannot match, making her incredibly difficult to kill in extended engagements.

To win this matchup, Nilah players should focus on using W to block Vayne’s auto-attacks, dashing in aggressively when she mispositions, and forcing all-ins where Nilah’s sustain and damage can overwhelm her. Since Vayne struggles against champions who can match her in skirmishes, Nilah’s brawler playstyle makes this an incredibly difficult lane for her.

#4: Lucian

Lucian vs vayne
Lucian is a strong counter to Vayne because he dominates the early game, bursts her down before she can scale, and out-trades her in short fights. Vayne is weak in the early game, and Lucian thrives on early-game aggression, making it difficult for her to farm safely. With Piercing Light (Q) and Lightslinger (Passive), Lucian can constantly poke and apply pressure, forcing Vayne to play defensively.

Another key advantage Lucian has is his mobility and burst damage. While Vayne relies on Tumble (Q) for repositioning, Lucian’s Relentless Pursuit (E) has a much lower cooldown when attacking, allowing him to dash in aggressively or disengage when needed. His The Culling (R) also gives him a huge advantage in early skirmishes, as he can burst Vayne down before she has a chance to react.

To win this matchup, Lucian players should play aggressively in the early game, punish Vayne’s weak laning phase, and use their superior burst to shut her down before she scales. If Lucian gains an early lead, he can snowball hard, preventing Vayne from ever reaching her late-game power spike.

#3: Draven

Draven vs vayne
Draven is a nightmare matchup for Vayne because he completely dominates the early game, outdamages her in trades, and snowballs hard before she can scale. Vayne struggles against aggressive ADCs, and Draven is one of the most lane-dominant champions in the game. His Spinning Axes (Q) give him massive early-game damage, allowing him to win every trade before Vayne has the attack speed or mobility to fight back.

Another major advantage Draven has is his gold snowball potential. With League of Draven (Passive), every early kill gives him a massive influx of gold, accelerating his item spikes while keeping Vayne even further behind. Since she relies on late-game scaling, Draven’s ability to end games early makes it nearly impossible for her to come back.

To win this matchup, Draven players should play aggressively from level 1, constantly harass Vayne with Q autos, and look for all-ins whenever she mispositions. If Draven gets an early kill, he can completely shut Vayne down and make sure she never reaches her late-game power spike.

#2: Ashe

Ashe vs vayne
Ashe is a strong counter to Vayne because she outranges her, slows her down, and prevents her from kiting effectively. Vayne thrives in extended fights where she can reposition and outplay enemies, but Ashe’s Frost Shot (Passive) slows her with every auto-attack, making it much harder for Vayne to dodge skill shots or chase down targets. This gives Ashe a huge advantage in lane and in fights.

Another key factor in this matchup is Ashe’s Enchanted Crystal Arrow (R), which provides a long-range engage tool that can lock Vayne down before she can react. Since Vayne is incredibly reliant on mobility, a well-placed Ashe ult can completely shut her down, preventing her from using Tumble (Q) or Final Hour (R) to escape. Additionally, Ashe’s Volley (W) allows her to poke and slow Vayne from a distance, further limiting her movement.

To win this matchup, Ashe players should focus on keeping their distance, using W to poke and slow, and saving R to catch Vayne when she tries to engage or escape. With proper positioning, Ashe can make it nearly impossible for Vayne to get in range and take over fights.

#1: Caitlyn

Caitlyn vs vayne
Caitlyn is the best counter to Vayne because she completely outranges her, dominates the laning phase, and punishes her weak early game. Vayne has one of the shortest attack ranges among ADCs, while Caitlyn has the longest base attack range, allowing her to harass Vayne with auto-attacks before she can trade back. This makes it extremely difficult for Vayne to farm safely or look for favorable fights in lane.

Another key advantage Caitlyn has is her traps and zoning tools. Yordle Snap Trap (W) can be placed around minions and walls to limit Vayne’s mobility, forcing her into predictable movements where Caitlyn can harass her with Piltover Peacemaker (Q) and headshots. If Vayne tries to engage, 90 Caliber Net (E) allows Caitlyn to create distance instantly, making it nearly impossible for Vayne to get on top of her.

To win this matchup, Caitlyn players should play aggressively in lane, use their range to poke Vayne whenever she goes for CS, and place traps in key areas to limit her movement. If Caitlyn builds a lead, she can keep Vayne out of fights and deny her scaling, making this one of the hardest matchups for Vayne to deal with.


Vayne may be a late-game monster, but she has clear weaknesses that the right champions can exploit. Her short attack range, weak early game, and reliance on mobility make her vulnerable to ADCs who can outrange, burst, or lock her down. Champions like Caitlyn and Ashe keep her at a distance, Draven and Lucian crush her early game, and Nilah and Twitch thrive in extended fights where they can outtrade her. If you’re struggling against Vayne, picking one of these champions and playing aggressively before she scales can shut her down and keep her from taking over the game.

Posted On: March 6th, 2025

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