10 Best Champions To Counter Udyr In League of Legends

10 Best Champions To Counter Udyr In League of Legends

Udyr is a tanky, high-sustain champion in League of Legends, known for his strong dueling, fast jungle clears, and ability to run down enemies with his empowered stances. His high movement speed and durability make him difficult to lock down, while his Iron Mantle (W) grants him strong healing and shielding, allowing him to survive extended fights. However, Udyr struggles against crowd control, kiting, and champions who can outburst his sustain before he can trade back. The best way to counter him is by picking champions that can deny his engages, kite him effectively, or outdamage him before he becomes a threat. In this article, we’ll go over the 10 best champions to counter Udyr and prevent him from taking over the game.

#10: Malphite

Malphite vs udyr
Malphite is a strong counter to Udyr due to his armor scaling, attack speed reduction, and powerful engage. Udyr relies on basic attacks and movement speed to run down his targets, but Malphite’s Ground Slam (E) reduces Udyr’s attack speed, making his dueling significantly weaker.

The biggest counter to Udyr is Unstoppable Force (R), which lets Malphite engage or disengage at will, preventing Udyr from sticking to his targets. Additionally, Malphite’s armor-heavy build naturally counters Udyr’s physical damage, making it hard for Udyr to trade effectively. Since Udyr struggles against tanky champions who can reduce his damage output and control fights with crowd control, Malphite forces him into a matchup where he has difficulty securing kills.

#9: Ambessa

Ambessa vs udyr
Ambessa is a strong counter to Udyr due to her durability, anti-shielding abilities, and crowd control. Udyr relies on sustain and shields from Iron Mantle (W) to survive fights, but Ambessa’s Crushing Assault (W) reduces shields and healing, making it much harder for Udyr to sustain through extended trades.

The biggest counter to Udyr is Unyielding Advance (E), which allows Ambessa to stay on top of Udyr and prevent him from disengaging or kiting effectively. Additionally, Dominance (R) grants her bonus durability, letting her survive Udyr’s burst while dealing high sustained damage. Since Udyr struggles against tanky champions who can reduce his sustain and control fights with crowd control, Ambessa forces him into a matchup where he has little room to dominate in extended duels.

#8: Gangplank

Gangplank vs udyr
Gangplank is a strong counter to Udyr due to his poke damage, crowd control removal, and ability to kite him effectively. Udyr relies on chasing down enemies with his movement speed and locking them down in extended fights, but Gangplank’s Parrrley (Q) allows him to poke Udyr from a safe distance, making it difficult for him to engage.

The biggest counter to Udyr is Remove Scurvy (W), which cleanses Udyr’s stun from Blazing Stampede (E), preventing him from locking Gangplank down. Additionally, Cannon Barrage (R) creates a large slow zone, making it hard for Udyr to chase or escape. Since Udyr struggles against champions who can kite him, remove his crowd control, and punish his lack of gap-closing abilities, Gangplank forces him into a matchup where he has difficulty securing kills.

#7: Renekton

Renekton vs udyr
Renekton is a strong counter to Udyr due to his early-game dominance, crowd control, and ability to trade effectively in short bursts. Udyr relies on sustaining through fights with Iron Mantle (W) and running down enemies with Blazing Stampede (E), but Renekton’s Ruthless Predator (W) stuns Udyr, preventing him from activating his shield or disengaging.

The biggest counter to Udyr is Dominus (R), which grants Renekton bonus health and AoE damage, allowing him to survive Udyr’s damage while continuously applying pressure. Additionally, Cull the Meek (Q) provides healing and AoE damage, making it difficult for Udyr to out-sustain him in extended trades. Since Udyr struggles against champions who can burst him down, deny his sustain, and prevent him from sticking to fights, Renekton forces him into a matchup where he has little room to win duels.

#6: Dr. Mundo

Dr Mundo vs udyr
Dr. Mundo is a strong counter to Udyr due to his high sustain, tankiness, and ability to shrug off Udyr’s crowd control. Udyr relies on locking down enemies with Blazing Stampede (E) and sustaining through extended fights, but Dr. Mundo’s Goes Where He Pleases (Passive) grants him crowd control immunity, making it difficult for Udyr to keep him in place.

The biggest counter to Udyr is Maximum Dosage (R), which provides massive healing and bonus movement speed, allowing Mundo to survive Udyr’s engages and chase him down after his abilities are on cooldown. Additionally, Infected Bonesaw (Q) slows Udyr, making it harder for him to stick to Mundo in fights. Since Udyr struggles against tanky champions who can outheal his damage and ignore his crowd control, Dr. Mundo forces him into a matchup where he has difficulty securing kills or escaping unfavorable trades.

#5: Darius

Darius vs udyr
Darius is a strong counter to Udyr due to his high sustain, crowd control, and ability to punish Udyr in extended fights. Udyr relies on running enemies down with Blazing Stampede (E) and sustaining through Iron Mantle (W), but Darius’ Crippling Strike (W) slows Udyr’s movement speed, making it harder for him to chase or escape.

The biggest counter to Udyr is Apprehend (E), which pulls Udyr in and prevents him from kiting away, forcing him into a direct fight where Darius thrives. Additionally, Noxian Guillotine (R) executes low-health enemies, allowing Darius to finish off Udyr before he can sustain through the fight. Since Udyr struggles against champions who can reduce his mobility, apply crowd control, and out-sustain him, Darius forces him into a matchup where he has little room to win trades or escape unfavorable fights.

#4: Wukong

Wukong vs udyr
Wukong is a strong counter to Udyr due to his mobility, armor shred, and crowd control. Udyr relies on running enemies down and sustaining through fights, but Wukong’s Warrior Trickster (W) allows him to go invisible, making it difficult for Udyr to stick to him in fights.

The biggest counter to Udyr is Cyclone (R), which knocks him up and disrupts his engages, preventing him from dealing consistent damage. Additionally, Crushing Blow (Q) reduces Udyr’s armor, making him much easier to take down in extended trades. Since Udyr struggles against champions who can kite, apply crowd control, and reduce his durability, Wukong forces him into a matchup where he has trouble sticking to targets and surviving all-ins.

#3: Zac

Zac vs udyr
Zac is a strong counter to Udyr due to his high sustain, disruptive crowd control, and ability to engage from a distance. Udyr relies on running at his targets and locking them down with his empowered stances, but Zac’s Elastic Slingshot (E) allows him to engage from far away, making it difficult for Udyr to react or chase him down.

The biggest counter to Udyr is Let’s Bounce! (R), which knocks Udyr around and prevents him from sticking to his target, disrupting his engage attempts. Additionally, Cell Division (Passive) gives Zac a second chance at life if Udyr tries to burst him down, making it much harder for Udyr to secure kills. Since Udyr struggles against champions who can apply crowd control, sustain through his damage, and deny his engages, Zac forces him into a matchup where he has difficulty executing his game plan.

#2: Warwick

Warwick vs udyr
Warwick is a strong counter to Udyr due to his lifesteal, crowd control, and ability to win extended fights. Udyr relies on running down enemies and sustaining through trades, but Warwick’s Jaws of the Beast (Q) allows him to heal while latching onto Udyr, making it difficult for him to escape or reposition.

The biggest counter to Udyr is Infinite Duress (R), which suppresses him, preventing him from activating his stances or running away, making him an easy target for Warwick’s team. Additionally, Blood Hunt (W) grants Warwick bonus movement speed and attack speed against low-health targets, allowing him to chase Udyr down and finish him off before he can sustain back up. Since Udyr struggles against champions who can match his sustain, lock him down, and win extended duels, Warwick forces him into a matchup where he has little room to play aggressively.

#1: Quinn

Quinn vs udyr
Quinn is the best counter to Udyr due to her ranged advantage, mobility, and ability to kite him endlessly. Udyr relies on chasing enemies down with movement speed and engaging in melee fights, but Quinn’s Blinding Assault (Q) blinds him, reducing his damage output and making it difficult for him to trade effectively.

The biggest counter to Udyr is Vault (E), which knocks him back and slows him, preventing him from sticking to Quinn in fights. Additionally, Behind Enemy Lines (R) grants Quinn massive movement speed, allowing her to roam the map freely and avoid Udyr’s attempts to chase her down. Since Udyr struggles against ranged champions who can poke, kite, and disengage, Quinn forces him into a matchup where he has little chance of getting close enough to deal damage effectively.


Udyr is a durable, fast-moving champion who thrives in extended fights and running down enemies, but he struggles against champions who can kite him, apply crowd control, or outduel him in sustained trades. Ranged champions like Quinn and Gangplank can poke him down and deny his engages, while tanky brawlers like Warwick, Darius, and Dr. Mundo can out-sustain his damage and punish his melee playstyle. Disruptive champions like Zac and Wukong prevent Udyr from sticking to his targets, while engage-heavy champions like Malphite and Renekton can lock him down before he becomes a threat. By picking champions that deny his mobility, outdamage him in duels, or keep him at a distance, you can effectively shut down Udyr and limit his impact in the game.

Posted On: March 6th, 2025

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