What is Roam in League of Legends?
League of Legends

League of Legends

What is Roam in League of Legends?

Roaming in League of Legends refers to the tactic where a player, usually from the support or mid-lane roles, temporarily moves away from their designated lane to aid teammates, control vision, or help secure key map objectives. This strategic maneuver aims to exert influence across the map, providing support where needed to tip the scales in favor of their team through coordinated ganks, increased map control, and enhanced team synergy.

What is the point of Roaming in League of Legends?

Roaming in League of Legends serves several strategic purposes, enhancing your team’s overall impact on the game:

Enhancing Map Control: Roaming allows a player to exert additional pressure across the map, prompting the opposing team to play defensively. The unpredictability of a roaming player can significantly alter the dynamic of the game.

Securing Ganks: Through roaming, players can orchestrate coordinated attacks on unsuspecting enemy laners. This not only increases the likelihood of securing kills but also forces opponents to expend valuable summoner spells.

Boosting Objective Dominance: Effective roaming improves a team’s ability to control key map objectives like Dragons, Rift Herald, and Voidgrubs. By moving strategically around the map, roamers can ensure these pivotal resources are more accessible and defendable for their team.

How to Roam in League of Legends Properly?

To execute a successful roam in League of Legends, consider the following strategic steps:

Optimal Timing: Initiate a roam when you’ve pushed your lane toward the enemy turret, or after securing an advantage through a successful trade. This minimizes the risk of losing significant experience or gold in your lane.

Vision and Preparation: Before setting off, establish vision control along your intended path to safeguard against enemy counters and spot opportunities. Inform your team of your roaming plans to prepare them for potential engagements.

Target Selection: Focus on lanes where enemies are vulnerable due to being pushed too far forward or having key summoner spells on cooldown. These factors increase the likelihood of a successful gank.

Coordination with Allies: Sync with your teammates to time your gank, combining your abilities for maximum impact. Effective crowd control and damage output are crucial to force retreats or secure eliminations.

Map Awareness and Adaptability: Maintain constant awareness of the broader game state, adjusting your actions based on enemy positions and objective availability. Roaming is dynamic, and flexibility in your strategy is key to leveraging its full potential.

League of Legends Support Roaming Tips

As a support, your ability to roam effectively can dramatically impact the game’s outcome. Here’s how to roam strategically:

Timing and Preparation: Roam when your ADC is least vulnerable—preferably when enemy bot laners have backed or your wave is safely pushed to their turret. Ensure your ADC is aware and can handle being solo briefly without risking a dive from opponents.

Vision Control: Before venturing out, place deep wards in the enemy jungle to monitor movements and secure safe paths for your roams. This also helps in tracking the enemy jungler, reducing surprises for you and your team.

Choosing Your Path: Navigate through hidden routes, utilizing brush cover to avoid detection. Avoid dangerous areas where you lack vision to prevent getting ambushed.

Target Selection: Identify lanes that will benefit most from your assistance. This could be a mid-laner who’s struggling or a top-laner facing heavy aggression. Your goal is to tip these lanes in your favor with your presence.

Communication: Use pings and in-game chat to inform your team of your movements. Coordinating with your jungler and mid-laner can set up impactful ganks or secure objectives more effectively.

Objective Focus: While roaming, look to secure strategic advantages such as dragon, herald, or crucial turret plates. Assisting in these objectives can provide your team with a significant edge.

Efficient Roaming: Keep your roams quick and purposeful. After executing a roam, promptly return to bot lane to continue supporting your ADC and maintaining lane pressure.

By mastering these aspects, you can enhance your team’s map control and pressure, ultimately leading to greater chances of victory.

League of Legends Midlane Roaming Tips

As a midlaner, effective roaming can be crucial in leveraging your lane dominance across the map. Here are some tips to enhance your roaming efforts:

Wave Management: Before roaming, always push your lane to the enemy turret. This minimizes the loss of minions to your own tower, preserving your experience and gold lead.

Map Awareness: Constantly assess the state of other lanes and the position of the enemy jungler. Look for opportunities where a quick roam could turn the tide in skirmishes or secure crucial kills.

Vision Control: Invest in control wards and utilize your trinket to maintain vision in key areas like the river or the enemy jungle. This not only protects you from counter-ganks but also makes your movements less predictable.

Communication: Clearly communicate your roaming intentions to your team. Use pings or chat to indicate where you’re headed. This ensures your team is prepared to capitalize on your roam, either by engaging with you or by adjusting their positioning to cover your absence.

Strategic Roaming: Choose your roaming targets based on the likelihood of securing kills or assists. Prioritize lanes where the enemy is overextended or where allies have crowd control to increase the success rate of your ganks.

By mastering these strategies, you position yourself as a proactive force on the map, not just confining your influence to the midlane but extending it to facilitate team advantages and securing pivotal objectives.


Mastering the art of roaming in League of Legends can dramatically shift the dynamics of a game, providing crucial advantages to your team. Whether you’re a support looking to secure vision and create ganking opportunities, or a midlaner aiming to pressure other lanes, effective roaming involves good timing, keen map awareness, and clear communication with your team. By understanding when and how to roam, players can make decisive moves that lead to victory. Embrace these strategies to enhance your gameplay and help lead your team to success on the Summoner’s Rift.

Posted On: September 30th, 2024

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