10 Best Champions To Counter Taric In League of Legends

10 Best Champions To Counter Taric In League of Legends

 Taric is a durable support in League of Legends, known for his strong healing, crowd control, and powerful teamfight utility with Cosmic Radiance (R). His Bastion (W) allows him to shield and link to allies, while Dazzle (E) provides a stun that can set up devastating engages. However, Taric has clear weaknesses, such as low mobility, reliance on extended fights, and vulnerability to poke and disengage champions. The best way to counter him is by picking champions that can deny his healing, prevent his engages, or poke him down from a safe distance. In this article, we’ll go over the 10 best champions to counter Taric and limit his impact in lane and teamfights.

#10: Zyra

Zyra vs taric
Zyra is a strong counter to Taric due to her long-range poke, zoning abilities, and ability to punish his short range. Taric excels in extended fights where he can heal and land stuns, but Zyra’s Deadly Spines (Q) and Rampant Growth (W) allow her to poke him down before he can engage.

The biggest counter to Taric is Grasping Roots (E), which roots him in place, preventing him from walking up to land his Dazzle (E) stun. Additionally, Stranglethorns (R) creates a large knock-up zone, disrupting his team and forcing them to disengage, which is crucial for countering Cosmic Radiance (R). Since Taric struggles against ranged poke champions who can zone him out and deny his sustain, Zyra forces him into a matchup where he has difficulty engaging and protecting his team.

#9: Zilean

Zilean vs taric
Zilean is a strong counter to Taric due to his mobility, crowd control, and ability to deny Taric’s engages and healing. Taric thrives in extended fights where he can land stuns and sustain his team, but Zilean’s Time Bomb (Q) and Rewind (W) allow him to poke Taric from a distance and zone him out, making it difficult for Taric to find good engages.

The biggest counter to Taric is Chronoshift (R), which revives an ally if Taric tries to focus them, completely negating his all-in attempts. Additionally, Time Warp (E) slows Taric, making it harder for him to position for stuns or peel for his team. Since Taric struggles against champions who can poke, disrupt his engages, and outscale him in utility, Zilean forces him into a matchup where he has difficulty locking down targets and influencing fights effectively.

#8: Soraka

Soraka vs taric
Soraka is a strong counter to Taric due to her superior healing, poke damage, and ability to negate his sustain advantage. Taric excels in extended fights where he can heal his team and land stuns, but Soraka’s Astral Infusion (W) allows her to out-heal his damage, keeping her ADC and team safe from his engages.

The biggest counter to Taric is Equinox (E), which silences him and prevents him from using his abilities, including his healing and crowd control. If he remains inside the zone, he is rooted, making it difficult for him to follow up on engages or protect his teammates. Additionally, Wish (R) provides a global heal, counteracting the effects of Taric’s all-ins and making it harder for him to secure kills. Since Taric struggles against enchanters who can heal more efficiently and disrupt his engages, Soraka forces him into a matchup where his sustain and crowd control become much less impactful.

#7: Nami

Nami vs taric
Nami is a strong counter to Taric due to her poke, healing, and crowd control that disrupts his engages. Taric relies on extended fights to maximize his healing and stuns, but Nami’s Ebb and Flow (W) allows her to poke him while healing her ADC, making it difficult for him to trade effectively.

The biggest counter to Taric is Aqua Prison (Q), which can interrupt his engages by knocking him up, preventing him from landing his Dazzle (E) stun. Additionally, Tidal Wave (R) is a great disengage tool, knocking back Taric and his allies, delaying or nullifying his Cosmic Radiance (R). Since Taric struggles against enchanters who can poke him down, heal through his engages, and prevent him from locking down targets, Nami forces him into a matchup where he has difficulty finding effective all-ins.

#6: Sona

sona vs taric
Sona is a strong counter to Taric due to her poke damage, superior sustain, and powerful disengage. Taric thrives in extended fights where he can heal and land stuns, but Sona’s Hymn of Valor (Q) allows her to consistently poke him down, making it difficult for him to stay healthy in lane.

The biggest counter to Taric is Crescendo (R), which stuns him and his teammates, preventing them from following up on his engages and delaying his Cosmic Radiance (R). Additionally, Aria of Perseverance (W) provides consistent healing and shields, making it harder for Taric to win extended fights. Since Taric struggles against enchanters who can out-sustain his healing and disrupt his team’s engages, Sona forces him into a matchup where he has trouble finding effective engages and keeping his team alive.

#5: Morgana

Morgana vs taric
Morgana is a strong counter to Taric due to her ability to block his crowd control, zone him out, and punish his engages. Taric relies on landing Dazzle (E) to lock down enemies and set up fights, but Morgana’s Black Shield (E) completely nullifies his stun, preventing him from locking down key targets.

The biggest counter to Taric is Dark Binding (Q), which roots him in place for a long duration, making it difficult for him to engage or peel effectively. Additionally, Soul Shackles (R) forces him to either disengage or stay in range and get stunned, limiting his ability to protect his team. Since Taric struggles against champions who can deny his CC and prevent him from setting up fights, Morgana forces him into a matchup where his engages become much less effective.

#4: Maokai

Maokai vs taric
Maokai is a strong counter to Taric due to his superior crowd control, tankiness, and ability to disrupt teamfights. Taric thrives in extended fights where he can land stuns and sustain his team, but Maokai’s Saplings (E) provide constant poke and vision, making it difficult for Taric to move around safely.

The biggest counter to Taric is Twisted Advance (W), which lets Maokai root Taric in place, preventing him from effectively positioning for stuns or using Cosmic Radiance (R) at the right time. Additionally, Nature’s Grasp (R) sends out a massive root that can lock down Taric and his team before they can engage, forcing them into a defensive position. Since Taric struggles against tanky disruptors who can lock him down and interrupt his healing, Maokai forces him into a matchup where he has difficulty engaging and protecting his allies.

#3: Leona

Leona vs taric
Leona is a strong counter to Taric due to her superior engage, crowd control, and ability to lock him down before he can activate his healing or ultimate. Taric relies on charging up his Dazzle (E) to stun enemies and sustain in fights, but Leona’s Shield of Daybreak (Q) can stun him instantly, interrupting his setup and preventing him from landing his abilities.

The biggest counter to Taric is Solar Flare (R), which can stun or slow multiple enemies, preventing Taric from effectively using Cosmic Radiance (R) at the right time. Additionally, Zenith Blade (E) allows Leona to engage aggressively, forcing Taric to play reactively instead of setting up his own engages. Since Taric struggles against tanky supports who can match his durability and lock him down before he can sustain his team, Leona forces him into a matchup where he has difficulty playing proactively.

#2: Janna

Janna vs taric
Janna is a strong counter to Taric due to her disengage, mobility, and ability to prevent him from landing his stuns and engages. Taric relies on getting into melee range to land Dazzle (E) and sustain through fights, but Janna’s Howling Gale (Q) can knock him up before he gets close, completely disrupting his engage attempts.

The biggest counter to Taric is Monsoon (R), which instantly knocks him and his team away, preventing him from following up with his abilities and delaying his Cosmic Radiance (R). Additionally, Zephyr (W) slows him, making it even harder for him to get in range for stuns or engages. Since Taric struggles against champions who can keep him at a distance and prevent extended fights, Janna forces him into a matchup where he has difficulty engaging and protecting his team effectively.

#1: Alistar

Alistar vs taric
Alistar is the best counter to Taric due to his strong crowd control, tankiness, and ability to completely shut down Taric’s engages. Taric relies on getting into melee range to land Dazzle (E) and sustain through fights, but Alistar’s Pulverize (Q) can instantly knock him up, preventing him from using his stun effectively.

The biggest counter to Taric is Headbutt (W), which knocks him away from fights, disrupting his engages and making it difficult for him to land Cosmic Radiance (R) at the right time. Additionally, Alistar’s Unbreakable Will (R) reduces incoming damage, allowing him to tank through Taric’s teamfight presence while continuing to disrupt his backline. Since Taric struggles against champions who can out-tank him and prevent him from locking down key targets, Alistar forces him into a matchup where he has little control over the pace of the fight.


Taric is a durable support with strong healing, crowd control, and a game-changing ultimate, but he struggles against champions who can interrupt his engages, apply poke damage, or disengage his all-ins. Disruptive tanks like Alistar and Leona can lock him down before he can use his abilities effectively, while poke-heavy supports like Zyra and Soraka can keep him at a distance and deny his sustain. Disengage champions like Janna and Morgana can prevent him from engaging and nullify his crowd control. By picking champions that can zone him out, interrupt his stuns, or prevent extended fights, you can limit Taric’s impact and make it difficult for him to protect his team.

Posted On: March 4th, 2025

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