League Of Legends: Every Role Explained
League of Legends

League of Legends

League Of Legends: Every Role Explained

League of Legends, a cornerstone in the world of esports, offers a gameplay depth that might overwhelm newcomers. Central to navigating its complexities is understanding the five distinct roles that players can assume in the game: Top Lane, Jungle, Mid Lane, Bot Lane, and Support.

Each role has a unique function and area of the map: the Top Laner holds the top lane, the Jungler roams the jungle areas to assist other lanes, the Mid Laner commands the middle lane, while the Bot Laner and Support work in tandem in the bottom lane.

For those new to the scene or looking to refine their skills, choosing the right role can significantly enhance your gameplay experience and strategic impact. If you're aiming to ascend the ranks swiftly or need guidance in selecting the role that best suits your playstyle, our professional coaching and elo boosting services can provide the support you need. Don't forget to use the code "1v9er" for a 20% discount on all services.

#1: Toplane

The Top Lane in League of Legends is ideal for players who like to handle things on their own. It's one of the two lanes where you'll usually be playing solo, which is perfect for those who enjoy battling one-on-one. Top Lane players typically focus on two main strategies. They either pick strong fighter champions to try and overpower the enemy or choose tough tank champions who can absorb a lot of damage in later team fights.

Top Laners often use the Teleport spell. This lets them quickly move to different parts of the map. It's useful for when they need to push a lane far from where the next big fight or objective might be, like a dragon or baron. Then, they can teleport into the fight at just the right moment. This makes Top Lane a role where good judgment and timing are key, especially for players new to the position who need to learn when to fight and when to join their team.

#2: Jungle

The Jungler in League of Legends occupies a distinctive role, as they don't align with the standard lane setup. Instead, Junglers roam the map's wilderness areas, battling neutral monsters and aiming to affect the game's flow across all lanes. A key responsibility for Junglers is performing ganks, which involves surprising enemy laners to create a numerical advantage and secure kills.

For Junglers, the summoner spell Smite is indispensable. It not only enables them to efficiently take down jungle creatures but is also crucial for securing major objectives like Dragons and Barons. Mastery of Smite and understanding when and where to use it are fundamental for anyone looking to excel in the jungle. This role demands a strategic mind and the ability to make quick decisions that will impact the broader game.

#3: Midlane

The Mid Lane holds a pivotal position in League of Legends, offering players a platform to significantly impact the game's outcome. Mid Laners have the unique advantage of being centrally located, which allows them to quickly support their team across the map. This role suits those who aim to scale into formidable late-game threats or those who prefer to roam and assist other lanes early on.

Mid Lane's central location also provides certain safety advantages, particularly for immobile mages who thrive on amassing solo experience and gold. However, its position comes with the challenge of being vulnerable to ganks from multiple directions. To mitigate this, Mid Laners should strategically place wards on one side of the lane and position themselves nearer to this safeguarded side, enhancing their defense against surprise attacks.

Key to excelling in Mid Lane is maintaining control over the middle tower, which serves as a crucial bulwark against enemy advances. Holding this tower prevents opponents from gaining free reign over the central map area, which is essential for safeguarding your team's territory and controlling the game's pace.

#4: Botlane

In League of Legends, the Bot Lane is often the battlefield for a duo partnership: the Attack Damage Carry (ADC) and the Support. While the lane can occasionally see mages and other champions, it is predominantly dominated by ADCs, who are marksmen known for their powerful late-game scaling once they acquire the necessary items. However, during the early stages, ADCs are relatively fragile and susceptible to bursts of damage and targeted attacks.

The primary objective for any Bot Laner is to maximize farm to gain a substantial gold advantage, ensuring they enter the mid to late stages of the game with a stronger presence than their opposing number. In team fights, the ADC's role is critical—they must focus on positioning to stay safe while dealing sustained damage, prioritizing the dismantling of frontline threats within their range.

Moreover, ADCs play a pivotal role in securing game-altering objectives like Dragons and Baron Nashor due to their high damage output. For players new to this role, mastering the art of positioning and understanding when to engage or retreat is crucial for thriving in the Bot Lane. These insights form the foundation of our beginner tips for aspiring ADCs looking to make an impact in League of Legends.

#5: Support

In the strategic ecosystem of League of Legends, Supports play a pivotal role in the bot lane alongside the ADC. Their primary duty during the laning phase is to facilitate the ADC's farming, ensure their safety, and assist in securing kills. Unlike other roles, Supports do not farm minions directly; instead, they gain resources through a specialized support item designed to compensate for their lack of direct income.

Support champions vary widely in their functions: some are enchanters who provide heals, shields, and buffs to sustain their teammates, while others are tankier, designed to initiate fights and create opportunities for their team. It’s a common misconception that Supports are solely dedicated to aiding the ADC; in reality, their responsibilities extend to the entire team.

Effective Supports often roam to other lanes to maximize their impact across the map, especially if other teammates show greater potential for securing a victory. Additionally, Supports play a crucial role in vision control—they are primarily responsible for warding key areas and clearing enemy vision, leveraging the enhanced warding capabilities of their support items.

For newcomers stepping into this role, mastering the art of balancing between aiding the ADC and attending to the team’s broader needs is essential. Understanding when to roam, provide vision, and engage or disengage can significantly influence the outcome of the game. These foundational tips for Support play in League of Legends are intended to guide beginners toward becoming impactful, team-oriented players.


Understanding the distinct roles in League of Legends—Top Lane, Jungle, Mid Lane, Bot Lane, and Support—is crucial for any player, whether you're just starting out or looking to refine your strategic approach. Each role has its own unique responsibilities and playstyle, which contributes to the overall dynamics and success of the team. By mastering your chosen role and learning how each interacts with the others, you can significantly enhance your gameplay and impact in matches. Whether you aspire to climb the solo queue ladder or simply want to improve your game knowledge, grasping the fundamentals of each position is an essential step in your League of Legends journey.

Posted On: April 18th, 2024