League of Legends Season 14: Best Supports for Arena
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League of Legends Season 14: Best Supports for Arena

As League of Legends’ Arena Mode continues to evolve, Supports are becoming increasingly pivotal due to their crucial roles in sustaining teammates, controlling battles, and enhancing team dynamics. The latest update, which introduces the augment system, has notably increased the strategic importance of Supports by allowing them to boost their utility and protective capabilities.

In this article, we focus on the eight top-tier Supports who excel in Arena Mode with their exceptional abilities: Morgana, Nami, Yuumi, Sona, Alistar, Taric, Nautilus, and Lulu. These champions are selected for their potent mix of healing, shielding, crowd control, and transformative teamfight abilities.

Here’s a closer examination of each champion and the recommended augments that can significantly enhance their effectiveness in Arena Mode:

#1: Morgana

Morgana stands out as a top-tier support in League of Legends, particularly in the dynamic setting of Arena Mode. Her kit is tailored for high-impact play, featuring abilities that offer both control and protection, making her an invaluable asset on any team.

Key Abilities and Strategic Impact:

  • Dark Binding (Q): Morgana's signature skill shot can immobilize an enemy from a distance, providing crucial crowd control that can set up kills or prevent allies from danger.
  • Black Shield (E): This ability is a game-changer, offering protection against crowd control and magic damage, pivotal for safeguarding key team members in pivotal moments.
  • Soul Shackles (R): Morgana's ultimate is a powerful tool in team fights, capable of stunning multiple enemies, turning the tide of battle in favor of her team.

As the third season of LoL Arena unfolds, Morgana boasts a commendable win rate of 14.97% and an impressive average end position of 4.20, frequently securing top spots and contributing significantly to team rankings.

While traditionally not seen as a tank, the right augment choices and itemization can elevate Morgana's durability, allowing her to stand toe-to-toe with the sturdiest of champions in Arena Mode. Opting for an AP build enhances her natural strengths, making her one of the most effective and versatile supports available.

#2: Nami

Nami shines as a standout support in League of Legends Arena Mode, recognized for her potent combination of healing and crowd control capabilities. As a dynamic support, Nami requires adept positioning and a proactive playstyle, given that she often becomes a focal point for enemy attacks.

Exploring Nami's Versatile Kit:

  • Ebb and Flow (W): This ability is core to Nami’s role, allowing her to heal allies and simultaneously deal damage to enemies, essential for lane sustain and skirmish trading.
  • Aqua Prison (Q): A precision-based skill shot that traps enemies in a bubble, immobilizing them briefly and setting up potential plays or escapes.
  • Tidal Wave (R): Nami's ultimate is a formidable crowd control tool, sending forth a massive wave that knocks up and slows all enemies in its path, perfect for initiating or turning around team fights.
  • Tidecaller's Blessing (E): Enhances an ally's basic attacks with additional magic damage, further augmenting her team’s offensive capabilities.

With a win rate of 14.20% in Arena Mode and an impressive 28.92% rate of finishing in the Top 2, Nami's impact is undeniable. She consistently ranks as the highest-finishing support, with an average placement of 4.13.

Nami's effectiveness is maximized with a proper AP build and strategically chosen augments, making her a formidable presence in early rounds when paired with a strong partner. Her ability to sway the course of battle with her water-based powers makes her an indispensable asset in any team composition.

#3: Sona

Choosing Sona in League of Legends' Arena Mode requires not just a strategic approach but also a strong ally to compensate for her vulnerabilities, particularly her low base health which can be challenging in the initial rounds. However, her comprehensive suite of support abilities can dramatically shift the dynamics of a match, making her a valuable pick for those with a solid game plan.

Key Aspects of Sona’s Abilities:

  • Power Chord (Passive): After casting three spells, Sona's next basic attack gains additional effects, such as a slow or damage reduction, which can be crucial for controlling engagements.
  • Aria of Perseverance (W): This ability offers both healing and shielding, crucial for maintaining team durability during skirmishes.
  • Song of Celerity (E): Provides a burst of speed to Sona and nearby allies, enhancing mobility which is essential for positioning in fights or escaping danger.
  • Crescendo (R): Sona's ultimate can stun all enemies in a line, serving as a powerful tool for initiating or turning the tide in team fights.

With a win rate of 15.00% in the latest patch, Sona has cemented her status as one of the most effective supports in Arena Mode. She maintains an impressive average end position of 4.14, ranking her as the second-highest traditional support just behind Nami.

Sona's potential to transform a challenging start into a commanding presence is unrivaled, given her balanced mix of defensive and offensive capabilities. Her strategic deployment can decisively influence the outcome of battles, underscoring her role as a key component in any successful Arena team.

#4: Yuumi

Yuumi emerges as a unique support in League of Legends' Arena Mode, famed for her exceptional healing capabilities and dependency on collaboration. Opting for Yuumi requires not only confidence in your own abilities but also significant trust in your duo partner, making her less suitable for solo play but a powerhouse in coordinated team efforts.

A Closer Look at Yuumi’s Abilities:

  • You and Me! (W): Yuumi attaches to an ally, becoming untargetable except by tower damage, and enhances her ally with additional adaptive force. This ability is central to her gameplay, emphasizing the importance of choosing the right partner.
  • Zoomies (E): This ability provides a substantial heal, a burst of speed, and mana regeneration to her attached ally, crucial for both escaping threats and re-engaging.
  • Final Chapter (R): Yuumi's ultimate casts a series of damaging and slowing waves in a set direction, which also heals allies. This makes it a versatile tool for controlling the battlefield, supporting allies, and hindering enemies.

Despite her lower win rate of 13.31% and a Top 2 finish rate of 24.03%, Yuumi’s effectiveness in Arena Mode can be formidable with the right teammate. Her playstyle revolves around strategic positioning and maximizing the utility of her heals, shields, and buffs through continuous collaboration with her partner.

Yuumi's passive, Feline Friendship, further bolsters her healing output as the game progresses, ensuring that she and her partner remain a persistent threat in prolonged engagements. Mastering Yuumi requires a deep understanding of synergy and timing, making her a challenging yet rewarding choice for those who can capitalize on her unique strengths.

#5: Alistar

Alistar stands out as a bastion of reliability in League of Legends, especially valued in Arena Mode for his exceptional crowd control and resilience. If your strategy revolves around enduring enemy assaults and disrupting their formations, Alistar is your ideal champion, particularly when paired with a strong damage dealer.

Exploring Alistar’s Robust Abilities:

  • Pulverize (Q) and Headbutt (W): Mastering the combination of these abilities allows Alistar to disrupt enemy lines effectively. Pulverize knocks enemies up, while Headbutt can be used to isolate a target or protect allies by pushing adversaries away.
  • Trample (E): After activating, Alistar tramples the ground, damaging nearby enemies and stunning those hit by the fifth pulse, adding another layer of crowd control to his arsenal.
  • Triumphant Roar (Passive): This passive heals Alistar and nearby allies periodically, increasing in frequency with each nearby enemy death, enhancing his and his team’s staying power in prolonged engagements.

Alistar’s win rate of 14.72% in the Arena, coupled with a Top 2 finish rate of 26.61%, underscores his effectiveness in a supportive role. He typically secures an average end position of 4.49, demonstrating his capability to sustain through battles and contribute significantly to his team’s success.

Alistar’s role as a frontline support is crucial, providing not just healing and damage absorption but also creating opportunities for his team to capitalize on his crowd control skills. His ability to alter the dynamics of team fights makes him an invaluable asset in any Arena Mode lineup.

#6: Taric

In the dynamic and competitive setting of League of Legends Arena Mode, Taric emerges as a premier support choice, known for his exceptional sustain and strategic offensive capabilities. His multifaceted abilities not only provide robust defensive support but also offer potent offensive enhancements, making him a cornerstone for any team in 2024.

A Closer Look at Taric's Key Abilities:

  • Bravado (Passive): After casting an ability, Taric's next two basic attacks are empowered, dealing increased damage and significantly reducing the cooldowns of his abilities, enhancing both his sustainability and combat rhythm.
  • Starlight's Touch (Q): This healing ability is pivotal for maintaining the health of Taric and his allies during prolonged engagements.
  • Bastion (W): Taric extends a protective shield to an ally and creates a bond that enables shared effects of his abilities, notably his E.
  • Dazzle (E): A versatile stun that originates from both Taric and any ally linked with Bastion, Dazzle can be a game-changer in controlling enemy movements and securing kills.
  • Cosmic Radiance (R): Perhaps Taric's most defining ability, this ultimate makes Taric and nearby allies invulnerable for a few seconds after a brief delay, providing a decisive advantage in critical team fights.

With a robust win rate of 16.35% and a Top 2 rate of 28.30% in Arena, Taric's ability to impact games is undeniable. His toolkit allows for powerful synergies and strategic plays, making him an essential pick for players looking to leverage both offensive and defensive strategies effectively. Taric's presence on the battlefield ensures a formidable defense and a potent threat to opponents, underscoring his role as a key player in any Arena team's composition.

#7: Nautilus

Nautilus has carved out a niche for himself in League of Legends Arena Mode as a formidable support champion, valued highly for his exceptional crowd control capabilities and impressive durability. Players who master Nautilus can dominate the arena by effectively neutralizing threats and protecting allies throughout the duration of the game.

Exploring Nautilus's Powerful Abilities:

  • Staggering Blow (Passive): Nautilus’s basic attacks briefly stun his target, making this passive a crucial tool for disrupting enemy strategies and providing openings for teammates.
  • Dredge Line (Q): This anchor throw not only initiates fights by pulling Nautilus to his target but also drags enemies toward him, setting up potential kills or disrupting enemy formations.
  • Depth Charge (R): Nautilus's ultimate is a formidable ability that sends a shockwave towards a targeted enemy, knocking up anyone in its path and stunning the primary target. This ability is ideal for breaking up clustered enemies or securing high-priority targets in team fights.

Despite a lower win rate of 12.12% among top supports in Arena Mode, primarily due to his modest damage output, Nautilus's value lies in his ability to control the battlefield. His need for a damage-dealing partner such as an assassin or an ADC is essential for maximizing his effectiveness, as his skill set is designed to set up kills rather than secure them himself.

Nautilus’s robust toolkit makes him an indispensable asset, providing the necessary support for his teammates to capitalize on his crowd control and turn the tide of battle. His presence ensures that the team can confidently engage in fights, knowing they have the titan of the depths to rely on for protection and control.

#8: Lulu

Lulu stands out in League of Legends Arena Mode for her versatile and transformative abilities that cater exceptionally well to AD champions. Her unique skill set not only enhances her ally's survivability but also disrupts enemy strategies, making her a pivotal component of any team.

Detailed Breakdown of Lulu's Abilities:

  • Glitterlance (Q): This ability projects a powerful blast that significantly slows enemies and reduces their damage output, providing both offensive and defensive utility.
  • Whimsy (W): Lulu can cast this on enemies to polymorph them, removing their threat momentarily, or on allies to increase their attack speed and movement speed, adapting to the needs of the moment.
  • Help, Pix! (E): When used on enemies, it deals damage and provides vision, whereas casting it on allies grants them a protective shield, enhancing either Lulu's offensive or defensive capabilities based on the situation.
  • Wild Growth (R): Lulu’s ultimate can be a game-changer by increasing an ally's size, boosting their health, and knocking up nearby enemies. This makes it an excellent tool for turning the tides in team fights or protecting key team members during critical engagements.

Lulu boasts the highest win rate among supports in the Arena at 17.14%, with an impressive average end position of 4.26, reflecting her effectiveness in supporting her team to victory. Despite her strengths, she remains an underutilized choice, potentially due to her perceived slow start and scaling. However, once Lulu reaches critical levels and obtains her ultimate, she becomes an invaluable asset, capable of significantly enhancing her team's performance in various phases of the game.


As we've explored the dynamic and vital roles of top-tier support champions in League of Legends' Arena Mode, it's clear that choosing the right support can significantly influence the outcome of the game. Each champion, from Morgana’s crowd control prowess to Lulu’s transformative enhancements, brings unique strengths that can complement any team composition. These supports not only sustain and protect their teammates but also provide the crowd control and utility needed to secure victories in intense arena battles.

Whether you prefer the aggressive crowd control of Nautilus, the healing capabilities of Nami, or the protective spells of Taric, understanding and leveraging these supports effectively can turn potential defeats into triumphant victories. Mastering these champions requires both strategic insight and tactical execution, rewarding players with not just higher win rates but also a more profound impact on the game.

Ultimately, success in Arena Mode hinges on more than just individual prowess; it's about synergistic teamwork and strategic choices, starting with the selection of a support who can amplify your team’s strengths and mitigate its weaknesses. As the Arena evolves, so too should your strategies and choices, adapting to the ever-changing landscape of this competitive mode.

Posted On: July 1st, 2024

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