League of Legends: The Best Ranged Top Laners
League of Legends

League of Legends

League of Legends: The Best Ranged Top Laners

Welcome to our comprehensive guide on mastering the art of ranged top laners in League of Legends. While many players have a love-hate relationship with ranged top laners, there’s no denying their effectiveness, especially in lower elo brackets. These champions can significantly disrupt the enemy top laner’s farming routine, giving you a strategic upper hand. In this guide, we’ll explore the eight best ranged top laners that can help you dominate the lane and control the pace of the game. Whether you’re looking to enhance your gameplay or simply want to make life difficult for your melee counterparts, these picks will equip you with the tools you need to succeed. So, let’s dive into the list and start shutting down those enemy top laners!

#1: Vayne

When discussing ranged top laners, Vayne immediately springs to mind, even though she’s traditionally seen in the bot lane as an ADC. Her reputation as a top lane terror is well-earned due to her exceptional kiting capabilities, facilitated by her nimble Tumbles and effective disengage tools. What truly sets Vayne apart in the top lane, however, is her potent killing potential, thanks to her true damage via Silver Bolts. This ability allows her to shred through even the tankiest opponents, making her a formidable carry champion. Opting for Vayne top can dramatically shift the dynamics of your lane, giving you the upper hand with her high mobility and significant damage output.

#2: Quinn

Quinn embodies Riot Games’ creative approach to champion design, where they occasionally place a character class into an unconventional role to diversify gameplay. Designed as a ranged top laner, Quinn excels in this position right from the start. Her kit is tailor-made to counter melee champions, with her Vault ability providing a reliable way to disrupt enemy engages and often coming out on top in trades.

Moreover, Quinn boasts some of the highest mobility in the game, thanks to her ultimate, Behind Enemy Lines, which allows her to team up with her falcon, Valor. This ability transforms her into a formidable roamer, giving her the power to swiftly push her lane—an easy task for a ranged top laner—and then move to assist her jungler or make plays around the map. This high mobility, combined with her lane dominance, makes Quinn a terror not just in her own lane but across the entire game map.

#3: Akshan

Akshan, a relatively recent addition to the League of Legends roster, has quickly carved out a niche for himself as a potent ranged top laner, alongside a more traditional mid-lane presence. His rise in the top lane can be attributed to attributes that echo those of Quinn and Vayne, making him a formidable pick in this role. While Akshan may initially appear distinct, he shares critical traits with these champions: high mobility and significant roaming capabilities, akin to Quinn, and a damage-enhancing passive on his auto-attacks reminiscent of Vayne’s style.

What sets Akshan apart, particularly in comparison to Quinn, is his ability to turn invisible, elevating his ganking potential to new heights. This stealth, combined with his ability to quickly clear waves—a hallmark of effective ranged top laners—allows him to easily push out his lane and execute surprise ganks on unsuspecting foes. Akshan’s blend of mobility, stealth, and damage makes him a uniquely threatening presence in the top lane, capable of tilting the scales in his team’s favor with well-timed roams and engagements.

#4: Urgot

Urgot stands out as a unique figure among ranged top laners in League of Legends, largely due to a playstyle that straddles the line between a ranged champion and a traditional bruiser. Often begrudgingly respected rather than outright disliked, Urgot can make life difficult for anyone who faces him in the top lane. He embodies the best of both worlds: possessing the range to effectively harass opponents while maintaining the robustness needed to withstand the heat of frontline battles.

In the early game, Urgot demonstrates formidable strength, capable of deploying aggressive strategies from level one. His skill set allows him to dominate lane opponents with his Purge ability, which not only harasses enemies but also helps him control the minion wave, potentially freezing it to his advantage. As the game progresses, Urgot continues to scale impressively, transitioning smoothly into a powerful tank that can lead charges and sustain through extended team fights. This blend of early-game dominance and late-game resilience makes Urgot a formidable and often dreaded opponent in the top lane.

#5: Kennen

Kennen redefines the role of a ranged top laner by blending the agility of his ranged auto-attacks with the disruptive power of his AP-scaling abilities. Unlike Urgot, who straddles the line between a bruiser and a ranged fighter, Kennen leverages his electrifying kit to become a formidable force in the top lane. His abilities are notoriously difficult for enemies to counter through standard itemization due to their magical damage output.

Like Vayne and Akshan, Kennen’s auto-attacks are enhanced by a unique passive—his, however, can stun opponents, allowing him to effortlessly harass and inflict damage without immediate retaliation. Kennen’s ultimate ability, Slicing Maelstrom, is a game-changer in team fights, providing both high damage and crowd control, which can decisively turn the tide of battle. With his combination of mobility, utility, and powerful zoning potential, Kennen stands out as one of the top choices for players seeking a ranged champion who can consistently pressure the enemy and excel in team engagements.

#6: Kayle

Often likened to the Kassadin of the top lane, Kayle is a champion whose power unfolds gradually, yet formidably, over the course of a match. In the early game, Kayle’s presence might feel underwhelming, with limited impact as she heavily relies on leveling up rather than just acquiring items. Her true potential is unleashed at level 16, where she transforms into a fully ranged powerhouse, capable of dictating the pace and outcome of late-game skirmishes.

Since her introduction into League of Legends, Kayle has been recognized as a hyper-carry with the ability to single-handedly turn late-game team fights in her favor. What sets her apart from other hyper-carries is her capability to assert dominance in the top lane, even becoming a bully in certain matchups. This dual threat of scaling into a late-game terror while holding her own, or even dominating early in specific scenarios, solidifies Kayle as a top-tier choice for those looking to make a significant impact from the top lane.

#7: Ivern

Ivern, originally designed as an enchanter jungler, has found an unconventional yet effective niche in the top lane, much like Quinn. You might wonder what an enchanter jungler is doing away from the jungle—well, he’s letting his trusty ultimate, Daisy, handle the heavy lifting. With the recent mid-scope update significantly enhancing Ivern’s abilities, Daisy has become a formidable force, now capable of applying on-hit effects and even dueling enemy top laners effectively as early as level 6.

But Ivern’s prowess isn’t limited to just summoning Daisy. His ranged attacks provide a significant advantage in lane, allowing him to poke and harass opponents safely. Additionally, his protective shield not only wards off incoming damage but also packs a punch by exploding and dealing damage once it dissipates, making him surprisingly resilient in trades. Moreover, Ivern’s Q, Rootcaller, provides excellent utility for setting up ganks, making it easier for him and his team to secure kills. This combination of defensive and offensive capabilities allows Ivern to thrive in the top lane, bringing a unique and impactful playstyle to the role.

#8: Teemo

Teemo stands as one of the original champions in League of Legends and arguably the most infamous ranged top laner in the game. Known for eliciting frustration from opponents across the Rift, Teemo’s notoriety is well-deserved. His ranged attacks, coupled with the debilitating effects of his abilities, make him a formidable laner. His Q, Blinding Dart, is particularly effective as it blinds opponents, rendering them unable to land basic attacks— a critical advantage in trades.

Moreover, Teemo’s ability to control the lane extends beyond direct confrontations. His ultimate, Noxious Trap, lays poisonous mushrooms that not only deal damage but also serve as strategic tools for area denial. These mushrooms are crucial for deterring ganks, often turning the tide of what would otherwise be a successful enemy engagement. Strategically placed, Teemo’s mushrooms can secure his lane and make him nearly ungankable, solidifying his reputation as a persistent and elusive adversary on the top lane.


Mastering ranged top laners in League of Legends offers a strategic edge that can dominate the top lane and influence the entire game. From Vayne’s unmatched dueling capabilities to Teemo’s infuriating lane control, each champion brings unique strengths that can disrupt traditional melee matchups and expand your tactical options. Whether you’re looking to kite enemies, secure kills, or control the map, these top ranged champions provide the tools necessary for a variety of playstyles. By understanding and leveraging the specific abilities of each, players can effectively counter opponents, secure early advantages, and scale into late-game powerhouses. As you explore these top picks, remember that success with ranged top laners relies not just on mechanical skills but also on strategic positioning and map awareness. Embrace these champions to enhance your gameplay and climb the ranks in League of Legends.

Posted On: September 1st, 2024