Roblox: Peroxide Codes (August 2024)

Roblox: Peroxide Codes (August 2024)

Roblox’s Peroxide, inspired by the iconic manga and anime Bleach, offers an exhilarating combat experience that rivals the adventures of Ichigo Kurosaki. To enhance your gameplay even further, Peroxide codes provide invaluable Product Essences, a currency that allows players to refine their paths and customize their characters through rerolls and cosmetic upgrades.

In this guide, we delve into the current list of active Peroxide codes for August 2024. These codes can be redeemed for a wealth of free Product Essences, which you can use at Kisuke’s shop in The City. Stay ahead in the game by utilizing these codes to maximize your character’s potential and style, keeping your gameplay both competitive and visually appealing. Get ready to unlock all the latest rewards and elevate your Peroxide experience to new heights!

All Peroxide Codes

thevisionarythatblewupwandenreich: Redeem for 25 Product Essences
iknowwhozingusis: Redeem for 25 Product Essences
peroxidedidmygloriouskingdirty: Redeem for 25 Product Essences
GlacierReworkShoutOutTemporary: Redeem for 45 Product Essences
GokuObbyOfDoom: Redeem for 20 Product Essences
mybadforthesebrokencodes: Redeem for 45 Product Essences
classiclyingspreemybad: Redeem for 30 Product Essences
wymthisupdatewassupposedtodrop2monthsago: Redeem for 15 Product Essences
320kLikesThanks: Redeem for 30 Product Essences
ThisIsMySalvation: Redeem for 1 Slot and 10 Product Essences
notlikeus: Redeem for 30 Product Essences
LongMaintenance: Redeem for 30 Product Essences
SorryForDelay: Redeem for 35 Product Essences
SkibiShutdown: Redeem for 15 Product Essences
GokuDayCodeSuper: Redeem for 25 Product Essences
GokuDayCodeSuper2: Redeem for 15 Product Essences
310KLikesHappyWeekend: Redeem for 15 Product Essences
230MVisitsCodeCritters: Redeem for 25 Product Essences
PeroxideTwitter: Redeem for 20 Product Essences
sorry4thebugs: Redeem for 25 Product Essences
220MVisitsArrancarTerrorism: Redeem for 25 Product Essences
FusionHoldingUsHostageUpdateIsComing: Redeem for 30 Product Essences
EclipseDontBurnUrEyes: Redeem for 15 Product Essences
300kLikesSorryLate: Redeem for 15 Product Essences
20BILLIONTIRLLCOINDDOIFDSUPERNOTSCAMCODE: Redeem for twenty billion Product Essences (AF CODE)
TwoTrillionAprilPECode: Redeem for two trillion Product Essences (AF CODE)
ShutdownToFixNPCsAgain: Redeem for 15 Product Essences
210MVisitsAwesome: Redeem for 30 Product Essences
PeroxideAnniPE: Redeem for 30 Product Essences
UnluckyBruhxide: Redeem for 50 Product Essences
290kLikesLOOLOLOL: Redeem for 30 Product Essences
200MVisitsAwesome: Redeem for 25 Product Essences
ValentinesDayButNoValentines: Redeem for 45 Product Essences
FusionStopGamblingWorkOnTheGame: Redeem for 25 Product Essences
15kSubsSoEpic: Redeem for 25 Product Essences
FusionForgotHowToShutdown: Redeem for 30 Product Essences
190mVisitsThanks: Redeem for 30 Product Essences
ThanksForPingingAhmed: Redeem for 20 Product Essences
280kLikesThankYouForYourSupport: Redeem for 25 Product Essences
180mVistsTrollDelay: Redeem for 20 Product Essences
CodeCrittersVsBugFixers: Redeem for 30 Product Essences
StopListeningToTrialMods: Redeem for 10 Product Essences
HappyNewYearJoMamaJoeBiden12121: Redeem for 30 Product Essences
Chungsmas: Redeem for 30 Product Essences
170mVisitsGuys: Redeem for 15 Product Essences
270kLikesOhHowJolly: Redeem for 15 Product Essences
FBBossIncident: Redeem for 15 Product Essences
FBUpdate: Redeem for 1 Slot and 15 Product Essences
Peroxide5kSubs: Redeem for 10 Product Essences
260kLikesWhatTheJoe: Redeem for 20 Product Essences
160mVisitsWhatTheFB: Redeem for 15 Product Essences
ThanksGivingButAmerican: Redeem for 30 Product Essences
LOLSTUPIDHEADLESS: Redeem for 15 Product Essences
ImpostorvsCrewmate: Redeem for 15 Product Essences
150mVisitsThanksForContinuedSupport: Redeem for 10 Product Essences
BaskingSharkDay: Redeem for 20 Product Essences
140mVisitsJoeBiden: Redeem for 10 Product Essences
DevCelebrationRolandtime: Redeem for 30 Product Essences and 23 Scams
250kLikesWungusApproves: Redeem for 30 Product Essences
120MVisitsTheVoices: Redeem for 10 Product Essences
240kLikesChill: Redeem this code for 15 Product Essences.
230kLikesHolySpeedrun: Redeem this code for 15 Product Essences.
220kLikesCritters: Redeem this code for 15 Product Essences.
110mVisitsWTH: Redeem this code for 10 Product Essences.
110mVisitsAwesome: Redeem this code for 10 Product Essences.
RAIGABOMBU: Redeem this code for 20 Product Essences.
TheApproachingStorm: Redeem this code for 20 Product Essences.
SpudBugsUnite: Redeem this code for 5 Product Essences.
GankingSpudsHouse: Redeem this code for 20 Product Essences and a free slot.
UpdateThisWeekend: Redeem this code for 15 Product Essences and a free slot.
100kVisitsEpicAmongus: Redeem this code for 50 Product Essences.
210kLikesJoeMama: Redeem this code for 15 Product Essences.
200kLikesCritters: Redeem this code for 30 Product Essences.
90MVisitswowzers: Redeem this code for 10 Product Essences.
Only10PeWHAAAAT: Redeem this code for 1 Product Essence (MALD).
FungusAmongus10K: Redeem this code for 30 Product Essences.
Grimdub10k: Redeem this code for 30 Product Essences.
190KLikesWOW: Redeem this code for 15 Product Essences.
200kFavs: Redeem this code for 15 Product Essences.
80MVisitsTyrone: Redeem this code for 10 Product Essences.
GrilledCheeseFluffy: Redeem this code for 10 Product Essences and 10 Choco Fluffies.
VerminUpdate: Redeem this code for 15 Product Essences.
60MVisits: Redeem this code for 15 Product Essences.
180kLikesUpdateSoon: Redeem this code for 15 Product Essences.
All Expired Peroxide Codes

• TheShura
• AlvinAndTheChipmunks
• ShutdownToFixNPCsAgain
• shutdowntofixnpcs
• CodeCrittersVsBugFixersPart2
• Peroxide10kSubs
• ThxForSurvey
• HalloweenOmg2
• TheNightOfTheWungus
• YTFat
• FusionIsAWungus
• 130MVisitsHolyMoly
• WungusVsRoblox
• 80kLikesSorryForACStrikes
• AmogusGrimaceShake
• 60kLikesHiGuys
• 10MVisits!
• 50kLikesWowThatWasFast
• 40kLikesRobloxAPICantHandle60k
• 30kLikesThanksForSupportingUs
• GrimaceAmongus
• WAVE2!!!!!!!!!!
• WatchLamaYT
• WatchingLagotholis
• CorgiDubs
• WatchAdrianYT
• WatchBok
• SubToGhost
• PMKilledPeroxide
• Easter2023
• RainbowAmongus
• IWillStartReportingBugsAndAntiCheatBugsWithClips
• LosNochesGetsSomething
• SuperBalancingCode
• Premium
• Shutdownyomama
• ArrancarMasksBroke
• ClothingDummyAUIncident!
• PeroxideWasNotKilledByDeepAgain!
• CookieStopSellingInBedwars
• AizenBeatsUlqCanonly
• AsrIsStartingToHateBountyMedallion
• MoreCodesYay
• BountyChanges
• AsrPlayedTheGame!
• PeroxideKillerPart2
• SorryFusionIsBusyPlayingDeepwoken
• MilkChocolateUpdate
• TimeGatesMakeMeLaugh
• SorryForTheBugsWithTheBigUpdate!
• 1MillionThankYou!
• RobloxHatesUs
• YIPEEspawnsfixed
• ThxForFollowingTyDev10!
• 40MVisits!!!
• HairRatsMatter155!
• 150kLikesJoeYipee1231123!!
• 70mvisitsweirdge
• 170KLikesCodeGoblins
• 160kLikes99IsoP
• 140kLikesNewContentSoon
• 130kLikesInfiniteCodes
• 120kLikesHolyMoly
• 110kLikesYouLittleCritters
• 100kLikesYouAllAreEatingGood
• Sussyamogusimposter
• CodeGoblins
• EmergencyShutdownCodeForBrokenServers
• DataOopsieDaisy1
• DataOopsieDaisy2
• RobloxOutageNumber2Trillion.

How to Redeem Codes in Peroxide

Redeeming codes in Peroxide on Roblox is a simple process that can quickly enhance your gaming experience with various rewards. Here’s a clear guide to help you redeem those valuable codes:

1. Open Peroxide: Start the game on Roblox. If you’re new to the game, complete the initial tutorial to familiarize yourself with the gameplay mechanics.
2. Access the Code Entry: After completing the tutorial, look to the upper left corner of the screen. There you will see a menu icon next to the chat icon; click on this to open the game’s menu.
3. Enter the Code: In the menu, you’ll find an option to enter a promo code. Click on this option and a text box will appear.
4. Submit the Code: Type in one of the active Peroxide codes into the text box. Make sure to enter the code exactly as it appears in the list to ensure it works.
5. Claim Your Rewards: Hit the ‘Enter’ button or similar confirmation button to submit the code. If the code is valid, you’ll instantly receive your rewards in the game.

By following these steps, you can easily claim various in-game items and enhancements to help you progress and enjoy your adventure in Peroxide.

How to Get More Peroxide Codes

To stay updated with new Peroxide codes, the most efficient way is to connect with the game’s community and creators:

1. Follow the Developers: Join the official Discord server for Peroxide or follow the developers on social media platforms. This way, you’ll get immediate updates on new codes and other important game news directly from the source.
2. Bookmark Our Page: Keep this article handy by bookmarking it, as we diligently update our list with new codes every month. This ensures you always have access to the latest codes without needing to search each time.

These methods will help you stay on top of all the latest Peroxide codes, ensuring you never miss out on free in-game items.

Peroxide Tips and Tricks

Here are some enhanced strategies and insights for excelling in Peroxide:

Unlocking Shikai in Peroxide:

1. Level Up: Advance your Soul Reaper to level 15 by completing assigned quests from the mission board.
2. Hunt Hollows: Travel to Wake Up Mundo for additional challenges, requiring 200 in-game currency to engage.
3. Stat Enhancement: Boost your stats by visiting the gym near Kisuke or training on agility boards.
4. Meditation: Upon reaching level 15, engage in meditation to unlock your Shikai abilities.
5. Achievement: Attain a B rank to gain perpetual access to your Shikai.

Gaining Resurrection:

Automatic Unlock: Resurrection powers become available automatically once you hit level 15.

Using Crystals to Boost Abilities:

Time Relics: Gather time relics to buy crystals, which can be used to augment your abilities.
Enhanced Effects: Crystals can add special effects to your attacks, like igniting enemies.

Optimizing Your Stat Build:

Combat Focus: Prioritize combat-centric stats over support-oriented ones to maximize effectiveness in battles.
Playstyle Consideration: Tailor your stat choices to fit your preferred combat style, be it strength-focused, vitality-centric, or ability-based.

These strategies should provide a solid foundation for enhancing your gameplay in Peroxide, making your experience both more efficient and enjoyable.

The Best Roblox Anime Games Like Peroxide

Exploring Roblox’s anime-inspired game universe can be an exciting journey, especially for fans of the genre. If you’re drawn to games similar to Peroxide, here are the top five Roblox anime games that offer captivating and unique experiences:

1. Project Slayers: Dive into a world where you combat demons and develop your slayer or demon character, embracing a compelling narrative and intense combat system.
2. Anime Adventures: An epic tower defense game that amalgamates characters from various anime universes, challenging players to strategize and defend against waves of enemies.
3. Blox Fruits: Set sail on a pirate adventure where players choose to fight as a swashbuckling swordsman or a powerful fruit user, exploring vast oceans and islands.
4. Titan Warfare: Engage in large-scale battles against titans or other players, employing tactical maneuvers in a game inspired by popular anime titan themes.
5. Type Soul: Step into a role-playing game where you harness mystical powers and engage in duels, quests, and explorations in a magical world.

These games provide robust options for players looking to immerse themselves in anime-themed adventures, each with its own unique twist on traditional gameplay.

Roblox Peroxide Codes FAQs

What is the latest code available for Peroxide?

A: The most recent code released for Peroxide is “thevisionarythatblewupwandenreich.” Redeeming this code will grant players 25 Product Essences to enhance their gameplay.


The blog serves as a comprehensive guide to the best free-to-play games available on Mac, highlighting a diverse range of genres from MMORPGs to MOBAs, each offering unique gameplay experiences. From the ever-expansive universe of “EVE Online” to the strategic depths of “Dota 2,” these games prove that despite the Mac gaming scene’s limitations, there are still plenty of quality options for gamers. Whether you’re looking for an epic space adventure, intense competitive battles, or a rich fantasy world, there’s something on this list to suit every Mac gamer’s tastes.

Posted On: August 17th, 2024

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