Top 10 Most Banned Champions in League of Legends
League of Legends

League of Legends

Top 10 Most Banned Champions in League of Legends

In the competitive realm of League of Legends, mastering the art of the ban phase is as crucial as gameplay itself. Every player has that one champion they'd rather not face on the Rift—whether it's due to a matchup disadvantage, the champion's current dominance in the meta, or simply because their kit is uniquely aggravating to play against.

Understanding which champions regularly find themselves on the ban list can give you an edge, and that's where this guide comes in. Compiled by the experts at 1v9, we present to you the top 10 most frequently banned champions in Season 14 of League of Legends.

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#1: Blitzcrank

Topping our list is none other than Blitzcrank, a champion whose gameplay can be exceptionally exasperating for opponents. The core of Blitzcrank's frustration lies in his Q ability—a powerful hook that, if landed, can drastically swing the tide of a lane or even a game. Being caught by Blitzcrank's grab can lead to a significant health loss, burning a crucial Flash, or even an early death. In the snowball-centric dynamics of League of Legends, such setbacks can severely hinder a player's ability to compete.

Blitzcrank's high ban rate can also be attributed to the challenging nature of laning against him, especially for champions lacking mobility options like dashes or when Flash is on cooldown. With a meta increasingly populated by fragile and less mobile champions in the bot lane, the threat of being repeatedly caught by Blitzcrank's hooks prompts many players to preemptively remove him from play, preferring to sidestep the risk of relentless punishment by this mechanical menace.

#2: Smolder

Securing the second spot on our ban list is Smolder, the latest addition to the League of Legends champion roster. Despite appearing straightforward at a glance, Smolder's potential to dominate the game escalates significantly with time. His real power unfolds as he accumulates stacks, enhancing his ability to execute opponents with deadly precision.

Smolder is a formidable force in team fights, boasting not just a capacity for targeted executions but also possessing valuable tools for mobility and an area-of-effect (AOE) ultimate. These abilities make him a pivotal player in the late-game team clashes that often decide the outcome of a match. The challenge he presents lies in the necessity to either focus him down swiftly or strategically disengage before his execution threshold is met—a task easier said than done.

Given his potent combination of late-game strength, execution ability, and team fight presence, it's no surprise that many players opt to ban Smolder outright. The mere thought of facing him in combat is enough to persuade players to remove him from the equation, sidestepping the frustration of contending with his escalating threat level as the game progresses.

#3: Shaco

Landing the third spot on our list and the first among junglers is Shaco, a name synonymous with in-game frustration for many. His notorious Q ability grants him invisibility, significantly complicating opponents' efforts to track his movements. This stealth, coupled with his capacity to circumvent traditional ward placements through unconventional ganking paths, renders conventional defensive warding strategies less effective against him.

Compounding Shaco's threat is the current meta's preference for squishy and immobile champions in the bottom lane—ideal targets for Shaco's predatory tactics. Exploiting these vulnerable champions allows Shaco to secure an early advantage, which, even if slight, can rapidly escalate into a commanding lead capable of dictating the game's flow.

The primary strategy to curb Shaco's influence involves preventing him from securing early kills, a task that proves increasingly challenging at lower ranks. Given these difficulties, along with his disruptive presence throughout the game, Shaco's high ban rate is a testament to the collective desire among players to avoid the unique challenges he presents on the Rift.

#4: Volibear

Volibear finds himself as a somewhat unexpected entry at number four. His presence on this list is influenced by his flexibility across multiple roles, an attribute that inadvertently contributes to his higher ban rate. Excelling both in the jungle and the top lane, Volibear's adaptability is a double-edged sword, broadening his threat and thus elevating his likelihood of being banned.

Currently, Volibear's diverse array of viable builds adds to his versatility, making him a formidable opponent in various scenarios. Opting for a poke-centric build allows him to harass opponents from a distance, relentlessly wearing them down and making the laning phase a nightmare. Despite potentially leaning towards an AP-centric approach, Volibear maintains a robust tankiness, deterring opponents from committing to full-on engagements.

Ultimately, the combination of his harassing capability, tankiness, and multi-lane versatility culminates in a ban decision for many. Players opt to sideline him primarily to avoid the distinctive challenges he presents during the laning phase, marking him as a uniquely versatile and, consequently, frustrating champion to face.

#5: Zed

Securing the fifth spot is Zed, a figure that commands considerable attention in the League of Legends universe, not least for his iconic status as a ninja—a trait that inherently boosts his popularity alongside other ninja champions. Despite experiencing fluctuations in his meta dominance, Zed maintains a strong presence in both mid and jungle roles, attributed to his engaging playstyle and thematic allure.

The primary reason for Zed's high ban rate stems from his potential as an assassin. Even a single kill can propel Zed into a devastating force capable of relentlessly picking off opponents one by one. His prowess in roaming amplifies this threat, making him a nightmare for unprepared teams. A moment's hesitation or misjudgment in backing off can lead to swift eliminations at his hands.

Facing Zed in lane presents its own set of challenges, given his formidable capacity for aggressive engagements. His ability to exert pressure and secure kills with relentless pursuit makes him a daunting adversary. Consequently, many players prefer to sidestep the challenge altogether, opting to ban Zed and avoid the daunting task of containing his snowball potential and navigating against his aggressive lane dominance.

#6: Darius

Darius claims the Six spot on our list as one of the most daunting champions to face in the laning phase. Attempting to engage him in a duel often results in futility, as his potent Passive and W ability allow him to outpace opponents in damage significantly. A single auto-attack from Darius can inflict substantial harm, rapidly depleting an adversary's health.

His dominance isn't just anecdotal; Darius has cemented his status as an S-tier pick within the current meta, showcasing his enduring strength and versatility across matches. This has led many top laners to regularly ban him, a decision driven by the sheer difficulty of contending with his laning prowess. The consensus among players is understandable, with many hoping for a balance adjustment from Riot to mitigate his overwhelming impact.

For those unphased by the prospect of facing Darius, or perhaps looking to leverage his strength for their gain, now might be the opportune time to master this champion. With his current standing in the meta, piloting Darius effectively could indeed pave the way to climbing the ranked ladder with what some might call "free ELO." Yet, until potential nerfs arrive, it's likely he will remain a staple ban for top laners aiming to avoid the formidable challenge he presents.

#7: Yasuo

Claiming the seven position is Yasuo, a champion renowned for his adaptability and prowess across various roles. This flexibility contributes to his heightened ban rate, as he can effectively be slotted into the top, mid, and ADC roles. In the ADC role, particularly, Yasuo becomes a formidable challenge, especially when coupled with an aggressive, all-in support. The current game meta, favoring squishy champions, amplifies his threat as he can swiftly eliminate these vulnerable targets.

Yasuo shares similarities with Zed in his ability to assert dominance down a lane, leveraging his mobility and damage output to pressure opponents relentlessly. This aggressive capability poses significant challenges for immobile champions, demanding strategic positioning and wave management to mitigate Yasuo's lane dominance. Keeping the minion wave near your turret can offer some reprieve, albeit requiring vigilant awareness and coordination with your jungler to curb Yasuo's influence effectively.

The optimal strategy when facing Yasuo revolves around cautious gameplay, avoiding unnecessary risks that could lead to feeding him. Collaborating closely with your jungler to create pressure and potentially set Yasuo back early can significantly impact the lane's outcome. Navigating a match against Yasuo demands patience, strategic foresight, and a collective effort to prevent him from snowballing into an insurmountable lead.

#8: Karma

Landing at number eight, Karma's continued presence on the ban list might come as a surprise to some. Previously, her dominance in the mid-lane, marked by relentless poking and wave pushing capabilities, made her a formidable opponent. Despite receiving nerfs that have somewhat diminished her overpowering presence, many players still prioritize banning her. The general consensus suggests that there might be other champions more worthy of a ban, yet Karma remains a popular choice.

The persistence of Karma bans can largely be attributed to her vexing playstyle, which transcends her role and affects multiple lanes. In the bot lane, especially, Karma's potent poke and synergy with aggressive ADCs can create a daunting lane dynamic. This duo aims to dominate lane control, applying pressure by constantly harassing opponents and forcing them under their tower.

Thus, the rationale behind banning Karma extends beyond her raw power to the sheer annoyance of contending with her in lane. Her ability to disrupt traditional laning phases, coupled with her utility in team compositions, solidifies her status as a high-priority ban for players who prefer to avoid the unique challenges she presents.

#9: Draven

Draven secures the ninth position on our list for reasons that are readily apparent to anyone familiar with the game. The equation is simple with Draven: one kill can decisively tilt the game in his favor. His reputation as a champion who can intensely snowball from an early advantage makes him a prime ban target, particularly for those in the AD carry or support roles.

The crux of Draven's snowballing capability lies in his Passive, which allows him to amass a significant gold lead off a single early kill. This potential for a rapid, substantial gold advantage often translates into an item superiority that makes laning against him not just challenging, but sometimes outright unfeasible. Counterplay options are limited, with effective strategies often revolving around targeted lockdowns in team fights, stifling his early game momentum, or simply opting to remove him from the match through bans.

In essence, the decision to ban Draven is a preventative measure against the disproportionate impact a single early kill can have on the game's outcome. It's a strategic choice aimed at avoiding the daunting task of contending with a well-fed Draven, ensuring a more balanced and manageable bot lane phase.

#10: Hwei

Rounding out our list at number ten is Hwei, a relatively recent addition to the League of Legends champion pool, noted for his versatility across multiple roles. A significant factor behind his high ban rate is the general unfamiliarity with his kit among the player base. Hwei's abilities are intricate, presenting a steep learning curve not just for those playing as him, but also for opponents trying to counter his moves.

Hwei distinguishes himself with an impressive capacity for poking, efficient wave clearing, and a formidable presence in team fights, courtesy of his area-of-effect (AOE) Ultimate. His arsenal enables him to pressure opponents effectively, secure favorable trades, and potentially dominate exchanges.

However, the challenge Hwei poses goes beyond his raw power and utility. The lack of widespread understanding of his capabilities places opponents at an inherent disadvantage, often prompting a ban as a precautionary measure. In essence, the decision to ban Hwei is as much about mitigating the unease of facing an unfamiliar and complex champion as it is about countering his in-game strengths.


This list of the top 10 most banned champions in League of Legends highlights the champions players prefer to avoid. From Blitzcrank’s grabs to Draven’s early game dominance and the mystery of facing a new champion like Hwei, these bans show who makes the game tough for many. The reasons behind these bans - whether it’s a champion’s strength, annoying playstyle, or just not knowing how to counter them - reflect the game’s current state and what players value in their matches.

Banning is a key part of setting up a good game in League, allowing players to steer clear of matchups or champions they don’t like dealing with. As the game changes, so will this list, but the idea behind banning remains the same: to give yourself the best chance to win and have fun. This guide helps players think about their bans more strategically, making each decision count.

Posted On: April 11th, 2024